Dear friends,

This is a bit long, and there are several documents linked throughout. Let me know if it is not opening properly. I hope you will read it to the end. There is much good news to share!

Here are the links to some resources for worship during Holy Week. (For a version of this letter with pictures, click here for the pdf version.) Our Palm Sunday service can be found here. Our Holy Week Tenebrae (a weeklong interactive, all ages Holy Week program) is available in a printable or e-reader version. Take a look at this; I think you will find it very meaningful and fun for children.

It is very important to us that our services become as inclusive and easily accessible as possible. We are working on a way for people to watch online through Zoom or through Facebook Live, and also to call in and listen on your phone. Stay tuned for further details.

This week, our online activity is to participate in Holy Week services. There will be no Bible study or coffee hour. The Holy Week service schedule is below. To join, go to our Facebook page. If you need someone to walk you through the set-up, give us a call (or ask a young person!). Also, if you are visiting the Facebook page, check out Surinder’s wonderful concerts posted there under Videos.

Holy Week Services Online

Palm Sunday10 am Morning Worship Service
11 am Children & Youth Sunday School Gathering
Monday in Holy Week7 pm Evening Prayer
Tuesday in Holy Week8 am Morning Prayer
8:30 pm Compline
Wednesday in Holy Week8 am Morning Prayer
8:30 pm Compline

The Great Three Days (Triduum)

Maundy Thursday6 pm Evening Prayer and reflection
Good Friday10 am The Celebration of the Lord’s
Passion and Meditation on the Cross
Holy Saturday8 pm The Great Vigil of Easter
Easter Sunday10 am Celebration of the Resurrection
11 am Zoom meetup for children and youth


I am delighted to tell you that at the moment we have four people – three children and one adult, who have expressed their desire to be baptized. This is a very great blessing and also a profound responsibility for our parish. I need sponsors to walk with these families and this adult, and to attend online baptismal classes with them. These will begin after Holy Week. In the meantime, I ask that you pray for those preparing for baptism. If you would like to re-affirm your faith in a glorious celebration when we are finally back in our church, you would be welcome to join the classes. Let Rev. Susan know your interest.


SUNDAY ONLINE SCHOOL Beginning this Sunday, we are beginning after church children’s gatherings. This will be via Zoom. Renee Reeves will be sending the Zoom invitation.

We are working to create opportunities for our children and youth to stay connected and to continue to enjoy Sunday School learning. Our wonderful coordinator of Children’s Ministry, Renee Reeves, is sending out Sunday School curriculum to families every week. If you would like to receive this, please let the office know.

Are you making your prayer chain? Keep adding your links as we pray for the world. When we return to church, let’s see how long our combined prayer chain is!

Please take a picture of yourself or your household holding a sign with a message of hope. We will be assembling these to send out as a special gift to our parish family and to those who are isolated in care homes. What is your message?

  • We’re in this together!
  • Church is always open.
  • Love is not cancelled.
  • God is with us.
  • We are STILL one in the Spirit!

What would you like to say to one another and to our shut-ins? Do it today if you can and send it to the office or to

Can you sew?! Beverley Trull is inviting people to make masks which will be provided to a local hospital. They are easy to make and will be much appreciated. Please contact Beverley to find out more.

Please let us know if you are ill or need assistance. We are here to help in whatever way we can. Debbie Clench is standing by to help you with grocery delivery or other errands. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

Your calls are most welcome. Please note: Rev. Susan is trying to change her cell phone to a local number. If you are hesitating to call because it is long distance, then please leave a message and she will call you back.

Our ministry of prayer is vital; we must continue to pray for the world. Join the online prayers, or pray at home, but please continue to pray for our leaders, our health care professionals, those working in the community, the sick and isolated, the dying and the grieving, and for your own needs. You are in my prayers.

As the church, we need to realize that this is a marathon and not a sprint. We need to pace ourselves, to settle in for a long season of being church in a new way. We are told now that it will be at least 12 weeks.  Our ministry right now is to love our neighbours by cooperating with the restrictions our leaders have put in place.  Our ministry is to love one another by staying connected to one another with caring love.

This is hard. It’s hard to be cooped up with children and teenagers. It’s hard to be on your own. It’s hard to be separated from loved ones.  It’s hard to be without a job. What can we do as a church to make that easier? Know that you are not alone. My “door” (705-886-0057) is always open.

Today in our online coffee hour, people shared how humour helps. I hope this will bring a smile to your face. In the meantime, stay safe, and may you and those you love stay well.

With caring love,
Rev. Susan
Just for fun… here is a song for you my sisters and brothers, mind.

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