The Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, has issued a national call to prayer for Sunday, March 29th.

The following is from Archbishop Linda, as posted on

All around us, while many are in quarantine or self-isolation, the church is blossoming with prayer. We are digging deep into the heart of our faith to lift our voices in the sure and certain knowledge that the Holy Spirit hears our intercessions, thanksgivings and even our groans.

Please join me in a national day of prayer on Sunday, March 29 (Lent 5), as we join the Anglican Communion in a day of prayer for repentance—to pray for the whole Communion and for the whole world engulfed in COVID-19.

Tune in live to join me in prayer on Sunday, March 29 at 7pm (EDT) on the Anglican Church of Canada Facebook page, or whenever is best for you (following the broadcast).

Light a candle of hope in the window of your home or on the porchand join me as we pray:

  • for repentance as we look at ourselves and ask how we have shared in the divisions and pain of difficult conversations across the Communion in recent years (see resources);
  • for the whole Anglican Communion as we seek to support and care for one another as siblings in Christ in the midst of this and other crises (see resources);
  • for the whole world as we share in the effects of COVID19 – for health care workers; researchers, those who are ill, those are quarantined or in isolation and those who are abandoned and alone in this time; and
  • for our hope in the gospel—that God is with us now and always.

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