What to Expect

Our Sunday services are a mix of readings, prayers, a sermon and music, including hymns or songs sung by the congregation.

You might be wondering when you should do what: kneel, sit, stand, say “Amen.” Just relax and follow what others are doing. You may see people bowing or making the sign of the cross at certain times, but this is a personal choice.

At one part of the service called the Peace, people near you may greet you with a handshake and the words, “The Peace of Christ” or “Peace be with you.” Feel free to participate in a way that feels comfortable or appropriate to you.

Take in the music, the words of the Bible and the silences. Contemplate the symbols and images – the cross, the altar, the candles, the stained glass windows – that may enhance the worship space.

During the service, there will be a collection of money to support the congregation and the needs of others. You will see people passing a plate. You’re welcome to contribute, but don’t feel obligated.

Come AS You Are

There is no dress code at St. George’s. Please wear whatever makes you most comfortable. You’ll find some fellow attendees in suits & dresses and some in jeans & t-shirts.

We welcome children of all ages and we understand that little ones can’t always stay still and quiet in church, so don’t worry about fussing.

Sunday School

Children up to age 12 begin the service in the sanctuary with the rest of the congregation. After a brief Children’s Time with Rev. Susan, which introduces the topic of the day’s lesson, the children head off to Sunday School. They rejoin the congregation to take communion.

The volunteers who teach Sunday School have all passed background checks administered by the Durham Regional Police.


Sermons at St. George’s are approximately 15-20 minutes in length and are typically based on one of the Scripture readings for that Sunday, following the Anglican Church of Canada’s adaptation of the Revised Common Lectionary.

Our venues: The Historic Church &
the Worship Centre

St. George’s is comprised of two separate buildings. The Historic Church is the red brick building visible from Kingston Rd. and is readily identifiable as a church from the exterior, complete with bell tower. The Worship Centre is set behind the Historic Church. The upper story houses the parish offices, the parish hall, and the sanctuary. The lower story houses St. George’s Daycare.